Season 1, CHATROOM 8

A Disease Sleuth in Bangalore

We follow British scientist Ronald Ross as he stops a cholera outbreak in Bangalore in 1895. At first he’s stumped. The disease shows up in one place and then  jumps to the other end of town. And how to get his hands on a microscope when there’s only one in all of South India? Join Sanjeev Jain, a professor at NIMHANS, for a “whodunnit” on Ross’ disease-hunting trail.

Time Markers (mins: sec)

00:57 – Ross meets a man from a tribe
03:05 – Ross joins the Indian Medical Service
04:35 – Ross heads to Bangalore
05:07 – Bangalore looks like an English village
06:15 – Conditions in Black’s town
07:15 – Ross quarantines people, destroys property
08:40 – Ross takes careful notes
11:20 – Ross makes recommendations
12:10 – Information is important during outbreaks

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Reading List

Jain, S. and Sarin, A. (2020, April 20). Contact tracing, hotspots and plodding through sewers: Cholera in Bangalore 1895. The Federal.

Sinden, R. E. (2007). Malaria, mosquitoes and the legacy of Ronald Ross. Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 85(11), 894–896.